Wednesday 19 February 2014


Hi my name is Ben. I work full time and have a 2yo son so I usually only get time to do one subject a term. I am working my way through a Bachelor of Business majoring in Purchasing and Supply.
I am a qualified painter and decorator with some years of retail under my belt now doing some contract management amongst other things in the power industry.

My company is Asciano who are the largest and only combined national rail freight and ports operator in Australia.
They comprise of Pacific National Coal, Pacific National Rail and Patricks Stevedoring.
Asciano is one of the 50 largest companies listed on the ASX with -
  • 8000 full time employees
  • 975,385,664 fully paid ordinary shares
  • $3,727.7 million*
  • EBITDA - $1,000.6 million* 
  • CEO - John Mullen
  • Head Office - Sydney


  1. Hi Ben, you sound like you are in a similar position to me regarding study/family/work life balance (or lack thereof)! The hard work will pay off in the end.

    Your blog looks fantastic already - very succinct and informative intro to your company! Well done.

    Please feel free to have a look at my blog, although I am not as far in as you (because it seriously took my about 4 hours to even get onto the blogging site ??!!) But I have the general hang of it now, lol!

    Megan -

  2. Thanks Megan, it was a bit of an ordeal for me also but now it should be plain sailing. (fingers crossed)
    I want to try an keep the blog as simple, to the point and relevant as possible.

  3. Hi Ben,

    Like Megan, I like your blog and your listed company seems interesting. I have also added your blog link to my blog, you and Megan are part of my favorite blogs so far. I'm a mum of one and I look forward to future discussions about our companies.



  4. Hi Ben,
    Your blog looks great, you've been busy, there is some great information here.

  5. I had no idea that Pacific National was owned by Asciano.... Very interesting...

  6. Hi Ben

    Looks great and some really insightful info - looking forward to what comes next

    Leah Earl

  7. Hi Ben - good to see another tradesman fresh off the job site to Uni. I'm a Carpenter and this is my first Term studying a Bachelor of Property. At this stage I'm interested in becoming a Valuer. I'm doing 2 subjects at the moment, but like you I don't have a lot of spare time, so my workload is out of control at the moment. Will be dropping back to 1 subject next semester.

    I like that your blog is relevant and to the point. I think I will take your approach and try and keep all my work posted on my blog so that it's all in one spot.

    Josh -

  8. G'day Josh, It may take us forever to finish mate but just starting uni will open more doors for you. And if you end up sticking with your trade you will always be a couple of steps ahead of those that finished their time and never educated themselves any further. There are plenty of great tradesmen out there that are terrible businessmen and end up going bust.
    Thanks for the comments on the blog, I will be checking out your this week.
